The Little Spider
Once upon a time, there lived a small spider. He had two big eyes and a small body. He walked on six legs: two in the front and four in the back. He was grey. His name was Rio. He had a friend named Reni, who was a human.
Even as a baby, silk would form behind him. “What is this silk actually for?” thought Rio. Curious, he watched the other spiders and started to copy them.
He wove various shapes, such as circles, triangles, and squares. Every day, he became better and better. One day, when he had already made a hundred webs, he created something different.
“Let’s weave the biggest web that no one has ever seen,” thought Rio. “I’ll get to work and give it my all! One day, this will be the most beautiful dress for my friend Reni, but I won’t tell her so it will be a surprise.”
He wove day and night, never wanting to stop. He told himself, “I’ll give it my all.” After just a few hours, the other spiders noticed his determination and perseverance.
While weaving the web, he would sing, “Weaving left, weaving right, my web will look marvelous.”
It became the biggest spider web of all the spiders. He finished the final details and was satisfied with what he had done. It took him a full three days, but he didn’t give up. He set a goal and achieved it.
“Set a goal every day, and in this way, control yourself. Great happiness lies in achieving, and everything around you gets better,” the little spider said to himself courageously.
“Tomorrow, when Reni comes, I will give this to her. Now I’ll go to sleep so that the time will pass quickly and I can play with the little girl Reni.”
Morning knocked on the door, and with it, every little creature woke up. Rio heard his friend Reni and shouted, “Surprise! The dress is yours, sewn from the finest silk.”
“You’ve made such a beautiful dress; who could count all these threads? I’ve received a white dress; how can I thank you for this beautiful piece?” exclaimed Reni, surprised and happy.
The little girl put on the dress and spun around in it like a white daisy. They all admired its design, and she loved her dress.
With the dress on and the little spider beside her, she ran across the meadow to show her mother and father the dress she got from her friend Rio the spider.
The end.